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Stop the Green New Deal in Arizona – ACUF/CPAC Action Alert Senator Farnsworth’s SB1246 will keep faith with the voters who approved the sales tax increase based on promised improvements to the freeway system. SB1246 will use the sales tax

Stop the RINO sellout on Arizona’s Budget – ACU/CPAC Action Alert Renegade Republicans are working behind the scenes to pass Hobbs’ budget in defiance of the Republican leadership. The Hobbs budget will expand funding for illegal immigrants and use taxpayer

THANK GOVERNOR STITT On November 18, Governor Stitt granted clemency to Julius Jones and changed his sentence to life without parole instead of death. The facts of the Julius Jones case leave open the possibility of his being innocent of

Julius Jones is on Death Row in Oklahoma, but he may be innocent. Governments make mistakes; juries get it wrong sometimes. In fact, since the death penalty was reinstated by the Supreme Court in 1976, 12% of those on Death

AZ Accountability Team – WE NEED YOU! Rep. Carter (LD-15) has introduced HB 2626 to hold Arizona’s prisons accountable for years of failures: escapes, riots, cell doors that don’t lock, and skyrocketing costs. Please help us pass this important legislation that