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Point of View: Making Oklahoma Safer Through Criminal Justice Reform

By Pat Nolan and Estela Hernandez Originally Posted on Oklahoman.com Conservatives like us believe that the states are America’s laboratories of democracy. When it comes to criminal justice reform, this is indisputably true. For more than a decade, states like

Justice Thomas’s Criticism Recognizes Abuse of Civil Asset Forfeiture Laws

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Reforms to the unconstitutional practice are necessary, says CCJR’s Pat Nolan WASHINGTON, DC – The American Conservative Union Foundation’s Center for Criminal Justice Reform (CCJR) expressed disappointment in the Supreme Court’s decision to refuse to hear a challenge


SCOTUS Upholds Abusive Civil Forfeiture Law, Allows Police to Keep $201,000 in Cash from Legal Home Sale with No Proof of Criminal Activity

Originally Posted on Rutherford.org WASHINGTON, D.C. — In refusing to hear a challenge to Texas’ asset forfeiture law, the U.S. Supreme Court is allowing Texas police to keep $201,000 in cash primarily on the basis that the seized cash—the proceeds


CPAC 2017: Civil Asset Forfeiture

CPAC 2017: Stephen Mills, Apache, Oklahoma Chief of Police, took the stage to discuss his experiences with Civil Asset Forfeiture, both as a law enforcement agent and as a private citizen.


CPAC 2017: Prosecutorial Misconduct

CPAC 2017: What is the conservative solution to reigning in prosecutorial misconduct in the U.S. Criminal Justice System? Pat Nolan (Director, Center for Criminal Justice Reform, ACU Foundation) moderates the discussion with David A. Keene (Opinion Editor, The Washington Times);


ACU Foundation to Host Two Panels on Criminal Justice Reform at the 2017 Conservative Political Action Conference

Washington, DC, February 22, 2017 – The American Conservative Union Foundation will be hosting two major panels on criminal justice reform at ACUF’s annual Conservative Political Action Conference, CPAC 2017: Prosecutors Gone Wild and Conservatives Leading the Way on Criminal