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A Conversation on Criminal Justice Reform w/ Van Jones & Matt Schlapp

President Trump recently signed the first major criminal justice reform bill in decades. Known as the First Step Act, the legislation changes the way prisons operate. It also reduces some of the harshest sentencing provisions. Matt Schlapp and Van Jones


Highlighting Women in Criminal Justice Reform: Mary Fallin

As part of Women’s History Month, we are continuing to highlight women who have made a real difference in advancing conservative criminal justice reform. Former Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin is a real champion of criminal justice reform on the state


Highlighting Women in Criminal Justice Reform: Alice Marie Johnson

Did you know that March is Women’s History Month? Women play a critical role in the fight for criminal justice reform. In honor of Women’s History Month, we’ll be highlighting a few of the women who have championed for real

Bipartisan Clean Slate initiative will help Utah and former offenders

by Rick Larsen and David Safavian

Oklahomans Ill Served by Excessive Occupational Licensing Requirements

Originally Published: The Oklahoman Written by: Tim Head, David Safavian, and Jason Pye Pope St. John Paul II stated in his 1981 encyclical “Laborem Exercens” that “work is a key, probably the essential key, to the whole social question.” One

Probation Can Lead to Better Public Safety

Originally Published: The Hill Written by: Pat Nolan Across the country, state leaders have recently passed laws to create more alternatives to prison when dealing with crimes committed by people struggling with addiction, mental health challenges, or those who made