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Michigan: Take Action to Give a Fresh Start

Everyone deserves a second chance and a fresh start When low level offenders are released from prison, they are expected to reintegrate into society, get a job, and a place to live. The problem is a criminal record makes all

Ben Franklin, FISA and the Public’s Confidence in the Integrity of Government

Cut costs and improve public safety with ‘community corrections’

by David Safavian


The Case for Conservative Criminal Justice Reform in Utah

Our Executive Director, Pat Nolan, was joined by Utah County Prosecutor David Leavitt and former NYPD Commissioner Bernie Kerik to discuss the conservative case for criminal justice reform in Utah. Watch their discussion:


Get a Signed Copy of Matt Whitaker’s new book

Exclusive Deal!!! On May 19, former Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker’s new book goes on sale! The book is titled Above the Law: The Inside Story of How the Justice Department Tried to Subvert President Trump. You’ll get an inside

Letter to President Trump re: PPP loans restricting those with criminal records

April 20th, 2020 The Honorable Donald Trump President of the United States The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear Mr. President: This afternoon at your briefing, you were asked a question regarding the ability of small