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Former Prosecutor Praises ACUF on Mandatory Minimums

A False Move on Prison Sentences By Patrick Nightingale Originally Posted in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazatte Earlier this week, the Pennsylvania House approved a bill to reinstate some mandatory minimum prison sentences. These laws require one-size-fits-all punishments and prevent judges from

Conservatives Support Limits on Solitary Confinement

By David Safavian and Chris McNutt, ACUF Center for Criminal Justice Reform Originally Posted on SantaFeNewMexican.com Winston Churchill once famously noted: “One of the best tests of whether we are truly a civilized people is the temper and mood of

Criminal Justice Reform shouldn’t die with Trump and Conservatives

By David Safavian, Deputy Director, ACUF Center for Criminal Justice Reform  Originally posted on TheHill.com According to the mainstream media, the fight for criminal justice reform is over once Donald Trump is inaugurated. A few Republicans are even gleeful at the prospect

Conservative Principles of Justice

Conservatives believe that the core function of government is keeping the public safe from harm within the constraints of individual liberty and limited government. We know it is the nature of bureaucracy that government agencies grow in size and inefficiency.

Local View: The Case Against Mandatory Minimums

By Newt Gingrich and Pat Nolan  Originally Posted in the Lincoln Journal Star On April 27, the prison system was preparing to welcome another inmate. The convict was a 28-year old Nebraskan named Leo Guthmiller. A recovering addict, Leo was

Civil Asset Forfeiture Puts Homeowners at Risk of Property Rights Violations

By Pat Nolan and David Safavian, ACUF Center for Criminal Justice Reform  Originally Posted on DailySignal.com The owner of the resort didn’t ask his guests why they were there. He offered plush accommodations to those seeking to get away. Sometimes,