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A Call for Prosecutorial Oversight

By Pat Nolan and Kevin Ring  Originally posted on WashingtonExaminer.com The U.S. Senate recently approved Judge Neil Gorsuch to serve on the Supreme Court. The Senate’s vote occurred only after Gorsuch answered hundreds of questions about his legal philosophy, temperament,


Dan Schneider: Conservative Criminal Justice Reform

Facebook LIVE: Dan Schneider, Executive Director of the American Conservative Union sits down with us to discuss the philosophical reasons why conservatives should care about criminal justice reform.

Civil Asset Forfeiture Harms Innocent Americans

By Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA)  Originally Posted on RealClearPolicy.com Reason tells us that government poses no threat to law-abiding citizens — that local and federal authorities are primarily necessary to protect society from mischief makers. At the same time, the

Former Prosecutor Praises ACUF on Mandatory Minimums

A False Move on Prison Sentences By Patrick Nightingale Originally Posted in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazatte Earlier this week, the Pennsylvania House approved a bill to reinstate some mandatory minimum prison sentences. These laws require one-size-fits-all punishments and prevent judges from

Conservatives Support Limits on Solitary Confinement

By David Safavian and Chris McNutt, ACUF Center for Criminal Justice Reform Originally Posted on SantaFeNewMexican.com Winston Churchill once famously noted: “One of the best tests of whether we are truly a civilized people is the temper and mood of


Matt Schlapp: Conservative Criminal Justice Reform

Facebook LIVE: We sat down with ACU Chairman Matt Schlapp to discuss why conservatives should care about criminal justice reform.