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Conservatives are Working To Stop The Deadliest Drug Crisis in History

Originally posted on Townhall.com DENVER­–The Left views The American Legislative Exchange Council as a pawn of corporate influence. There were some protests at the organizations annual meeting in Denver, Colorado in July. They were mild. No fires were started, and no

Major Conservative Groups Call for Reform of Civil Asset Forfeiture Laws

Aside from Questions of Fairness, Forfeiture Undermines the Public’s Confidence in Law Enforcement FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  Washington, D.C. – The American Conservative Union Foundation (ACUF), in collaboration with six other center-right groups sent a letter to the Chairmen of the

Letter to the Judiciary Committee: Time for Action on Civil Asset Forfeiture

Dear Chairman Goodlatte and Chairman Grassley: We write to ask you to pass legislation reforming federal civil asset forfeiture. As it is currently practiced, civil asset forfeiture is an affront to private property rights as well as fundamental rights to

ACUF and Others ask Senate Judiciary Committee to Conduct Oversight of US Attorney Nominees

Dear Chairman Grassley: On March 21, we wrote to urge you and members of the committee to conduct basic oversight with respect to the president’s nominees to serve as United States Attorneys. After noting the enormous influence federal prosecutors have


ACUF and Others Ask Sentencing Commission to Research Impact of Parental Incarceration

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Another Fault of the Criminal Justice System: ACUF and Others Ask Sentencing Commission to Research Impact of Parental Incarceration WASHINGTON, D.C. – The American Conservative Union Foundation (ACUF), in partnership with four other organizations dedicated to criminal


Another Fault of the Criminal Justice System

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Another Fault of the Criminal Justice System: ACUF and Others Ask Sentencing Commission to Research Impact of Parental Incarceration WASHINGTON, D.C. – The American Conservative Union Foundation (ACUF), in partnership with four other organizations dedicated to criminal