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Is It Time for Criminologists to Step Outside the Ivory Tower?

By Erik Luna Originally Published on TheCrimeReport.org Polls show that Americans are more polarized than at any point in the past quarter-century. Partisanship now plagues virtually everything we do, even a once-unifying cultural ritual like watching football on a lazy Sunday


Can Jared Kushner Save Criminal Justice Reform?

By Justin George Originally published on TheMarshallProject.org In 2005, Jared Kushner, the 20-something scion of a leading New York real estate family, boarded a private jet with his mother and other family members. They flew into Washington Dulles International Airport to

Op-ed: Hatch, Lee and the battle over criminal intent

By David Safavian and Kaitlin Owens Originally published on DeseretNews.com Did you know it’s a federal crime to write a check for less than a dollar? So are walking your dog in a national park if your leash is longer than

A Conservative seeking a better Federal Prison System

By David Safavian and Patrick Plein Originally Published on WashingtonExaminer.com Only a government program can fail a third of the time and still be allowed to operate without accountability or change. Sound preposterous? It shouldn’t. This kind of monumental failure has


ACUF Supports Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act

ALEXANDRIA, VA – Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley has introduced The Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act of 2017, legislation aimed at reforming our broken sentencing and corrections system and refocusing the country’s criminal-justice policies. The American Conservative Union Foundation (ACUF) applauds the many commendable


Conservatives for Criminal Justice Reform

You don’t hear about it much, but 31 mostly red states have reduced both crime and imprisonment. By Grover Norquist Originally posted on WSJ.com Every so often I’m asked to list the conservative movement’s most important recent accomplishments. One always ranks