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ACUF endorses two criminal justice proposals by Right on Crime



Criminal Justice Reform and the Church

The Church has both the unique ability and unparalleled capacity to confront the staggering crisis of crime and incarceration in America and to respond with restorative solutions for communities, victims, and individuals responsible for crime. Dr. Russell Moore (ERLC), Craig DeRoche (Prison

ACUF Calls On BOP To Better Use Compassionate Release Authority For Sick And Elderly Offenders

The ACU Foundation’s Center for Criminal Justice Reform is working closely with FreedomWorks, the R Street Institute, Families Against Mandatory Minimums and a number of faith-based organizations to address the important issue of our aging prison population. Read more below:


Lindsay Holloway: A Redemption Story

Lindsay Holloway shares her story of addiction, incarceration, and how her faith led her back to the right path.


Join us in Nashville for a discussion on Faith and Criminal Justice Reform

    Why Our Faith Should Shape the Way We Look at Our Criminal Justice System Join us for breakfast and fellowship with some of the leading voices in faith-based criminal justice reform. The Church has both the unique ability and


Justice reform is real and conservative governors are leading the way

By Gov. Matt Bevin (R-KY) Originally published on FoxNews. During the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland, I participated in a national panel on criminal justice reform with like-minded, conservative governors Nathan Deal of Georgia and Mary Fallin of Oklahoma. It