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Opioid deaths are a health crisis — Treatment, not jail, is the cure

By Pat Nolan and Newt Gingrich Originally published on FoxNews.com About 91 Americans are expected to die today and every day from opioid overdoses. Over 300,000 have died since the year 2000, surpassing vehicle accidents as the leading cause of unintentional

ACUF and Eight Other Center-Right Groups Support Alabama’s Approach on Juvenile Justice Reforms

On Thursday, January 25, the ACU Foundation in collaboration with eight other center-right groups, sent a letter to the members of the Alabama state legislature supporting the approach of the Alabama Juvenile Justice Task Force. Read the letter below:


Testimony before Ohio House Criminal Justice Committee – Bail Reform

Patrick Plein of the American Conservative Union Foundation’s (ACUF) Center for Criminal Justice Reform (CCJR) testified on Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018 before the Ohio House Criminal Justice Committee on Ohio’s cash bail system. Read the full testimony below:


Why conservatives should support criminal justice reform – an Interview with Pat Nolan

Originally published on Medium.com in partnership with Change.org Pat Nolan is the Director of the American Conservative Union Foundation’s Center for Criminal Justice Reform. For 15 years, Pat served in the California State Assembly, four of those as the Assembly Republican Leader,


Civil Asset Forfeiture: Explained

By Waseem Salahi, Jessica Brand, and Callie Heller Originally published on InJusticeToday.com In January 2016 in San Diego, a SWAT team entered the offices of Med-West, a licensed cannabis manufacturer and distributer. It seized over $300,000 in cash and products valued at hundreds of thousands


The Push for Criminal Justice Reform in Tennessee

Pat Nolan, Director of the American Conservative Union Foundation’s Center for Criminal Justice Reform, sat down with his cousin, Pat Nolan of Nashville’s News Channel 5 to discuss the push for criminal justice reform in Tennessee and across the country.