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Conservatives Praise Passage of Prison Reform Legislation

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: CONTACT: David Safavian 202.347.9388 Conservatives Praise Passage of Prison Reform Legislation; Collins Bill Reflects Policy Proposals of the American Conservative Union Alexandria, VA – May 9, 2018 – The American Conservative Union (ACU) and the American Conservative

ACU Foundation and FreedomWorks send letter to Congress on BOP Oversight

On Monday, the ACU Foundation’s Center for Criminal Justice Reform in partnership with FreedomWorks sent a letter to the House Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism & Investigations prior to the Bureau of Prison’s Oversight Hearing with BOP Director Mark Inch. The

ACUF applauds approach taken with SAFE Justice Act

In February, ACUF’s Center for Criminal Justice Reform sent a letter to members of Congress applauding the approach taken by the SAFE Justice Act, legislation sponsored by Reps. Jason Lewis (R-MN) and Bobby Scott (D-NY). This legislation contains principles that

Group of Bipartisan Organizations Sends Letter to Congress in Support of Asset Forfeiture Reform

On Thursday, a group of Bipartisan Organizations sent a letter to Congress urging the inclusion of the House-passed amendments regarding civil forfeiture be included in the year-long appropriations bill. You can read the letter below:

House Members send letter in Support of Asset Forfeiture Reform

ACUF wants to ensure that law enforcement has the tools to go after major drug dealers. But too often, our police and prosecutors overuse civil asset forfeiture, often times relying on forfeiture funds to pad their budgets. Civil asset forfeiture

Senators send Letter to Colleagues urging Support of Asset Forfeiture Reform

ACUF wants to ensure that law enforcement has the tools to go after major drug dealers. But too often, our police and prosecutors overuse civil asset forfeiture, often times relying on forfeiture funds to pad their budgets. Civil asset forfeiture