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Improving Criminal Justice ‘Benefits All of Us’ – Q&A with CCJR Director Pat Nolan

Interview originally published on pewtrusts.org Pat Nolan is a leading voice in the national criminal justice reform movement. The former Republican member of the California State Assembly served 29 months in federal custody for racketeering during the 1990s, and after

Ask Gov. Snyder (MI) for Justice for Siwatu-Salama Ra

Sign our Petition here. Last summer in Michigan, Siwatu-Salama Ra got into a verbal dispute with a neighbor. The neighbor escalated it by ramming her car multiple times into Ra’s vehicle, while her mother and two-year old daughter were nearby.

Once you’ve done your time, you should be able to vote

Letters to the Editor, NOLA.com – The Times-Picayune By Pat Nolan, Director, ACUF CCJR Each year tens of thousands of people return to their homes after paying their debts to society, yet they will still be punished. Millions of formerly incarcerated


Pat Nolan receives “National Champion Award” from the Council of State Governments

On April 17, the Council of State Governments gave the Director of the ACU Foundation Center for Criminal Justice Reform, Pat Nolan, its “National Champion Award” in recognition of “His Contributions to Advancing Criminal Justice Reform and Improving Prisoner Reentry


CCJR Director Pat Nolan receives “Architect of Justice Award”

On May 3, the Center for Policing Equity presented ACUF CCJR Director, Pat Nolan, with its “Architect of Justice Award” for his lifetime of dedication to criminal justice reform. The Center for Policing Equity mentioned how Pat’s work has unified


ACU Foundation presents at ALEC on Dignity for Incarcerated Women

At the end of April, the ACUF Center for Criminal Justice Reform team traveled to Grand Rapids, Michigan for ALEC’s Criminal Justice Task Force Meeting. It was there that legislators from all over the country, as well as a multitude