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Religious Right to Start Pressure Campaign Around Criminal Justice Reform

Originally  Published by: Politico Written by: Lorraine Woellert The Faith and Freedom Coalition will ask members to flood Mitch McConnell and other Republicans with calls backing the Senate legislation. Religious leaders buoyed by a successful alliance with the Trump administration


First Step: Pro-Cop, Pro-Borders, Pro-Criminal Justice Reform

Originally Published by: Town Hall Written by: Michelle Malkin The package of criminal justice reform proposals endorsed by President Donald Trump is not “soft” on crime. It’s tough on injustice. And it’s about time. Known as the “First Step Act,”


Mike Lee Accuses Tom Cotton of Spreading “Fake News” on Criminal-Justice-Reform Bill

Originally Published by: National Review By: Jack Crowe In a Monday tweet, Senator Mike Lee of Utah lambasted his Republican colleague, Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas, for spreading “fake news” about the bipartisan criminal-justice-reform bill currently making its way through


Prison Reform is on the Horizon — Now the Senate Must Pass It

Originally Published by: Fox News By: Tim Head The U.S. justice system is built upon certain principles. One of them is that offenders make amends for their wrongdoing and provide restitution to their victims. Criminals, including those who commit low-level,


President Trump Makes an Announcement Regarding H.R. 5682, the “First Step Act”

YouTube-President Trump Makes an Announcement Regarding H.R. 5682, the “First Step Act”


ACU Stands with President Trump, Congressional Republicans, and Law Enforcement to Support the FIRST STEP ACT

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Wednesday, November 14, 2018 Washington, DC – The American Conservative Union’s (ACU) general counsel, David Safavian, issued the following statement today about the important criminal justice reform legislation known as the First Step Act: “Ninety-five percent of