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Large Bipartisan Coalition Pushes Back Against Sens. Cotton-Kennedy’s FIRST STEP Act ‘Poison Pills’


Conservative Criminal Justice Reform Advocates to Rally Support for the First Step Act

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 13, 2018 Contact: David Safavian Phone: (202) 347-9388 Email: dsafavian@conservative.org *Location and Time Change* Conservative Criminal Justice Reform Advocates to Rally Support for the First Step Act Join Senator Mike Lee at Press Conference Thursday in


Dads Behind Bars Hold Their Kids for the 1st Time

Scottie Barns’ dad was a convicted drug dealer, and she’s never even been told “I love you” from him. He spent most of his life locked up, so Scottie knows the deep-rooted pain associated with growing up without a father.


Midlands Voices: Senate must pass the First Step Act

Originally Published by: Omaha World-Herald Written by: Shon Hopwood & Dawinder S. Sidhu Hopwood, a former Nebraska resident, is an associate law professor at Georgetown University Law Center and author of “Law Man: Memoir of a Jailhouse Lawyer.” Sidhu, an


Tillis Co-Sponsors Bipartisan Criminal Justice Reform Legislation

Originally Published: U.S. Senate Written by: Sen.Thom Tillis WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) co-sponsored the First Step Act, bipartisan legislation to reform America’s criminal justice system. The First Step Act combines prison reform proposals that overwhelmingly


Local View: Prison reform bill needs passage

Originally Published: Lincoln Journal Star Written by: Robert Milligan & Heather Rice-Minus President Donald Trump, flanked by law enforcement officials and faith leaders, recently urged lawmakers to pass a criminal justice bill that would reform the federal prison system. “It’s