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American Conservative Union & Right on Crime Applaud Tennessee Leadership for Passing Criminal Justice Reform Bills

Nashville, TN — Today, The American Conservative Union and Right on Crime applaud the Tennessee General Assembly and Governor Lee for exhibiting bold leadership in the passage of HB 784, that expands and improves evidence-based alternative sentencing programs, and HB 785,


North Carolina Dignity Act Fact Sheet

North Carolina Lawmakers Introduce Bill that Ensures the Health of Pregnant Women and Their Babies

Arizona, take action: Make our communities safer

Let’s make Arizona safer SB 1064 will increase earned release credits for some people convicted of drug and other nonviolent offenses. This policy will save Arizona taxpayers millions of dollars, boost the state’s economy, and begin to safely reduce the


Testimony before Tennessee Senate Judiciary Committee

It is Time for Meaningful Criminal Justice Reform in Tennessee

It’s time for meaningful criminal justice reform in Tennessee | Opinion We can hold those who don’t pose a threat accountable in ways that don’t end up filling Tennessee’s prisons and leaving taxpayers to foot the bill. By David H.