AG Led the Way on Key Reforms Dealing with Prison Rape and Crack Cocaine Parity

Washington, DC, Feb. 10, 2017 – The American Conservative Union Foundation’s Center for Criminal Justice Reform issued a statement today lauding the confirmation of Senator Jeff Sessions as the 84th Attorney General of the United States.

“I’ve worked closely with Senator Sessions during his time in the Senate on issues ranging from parity in cocaine sentencing to the passage of the Second Chance Act” said ACUF’s Center for Criminal Justice Reform Director Pat Nolan. “In every instance, Jeff Sessions’ credibility as a former prosecutor and as a fair-minded Senator was instrumental in establishing Republican support for important pieces of legislation.”

Nolan continued: “One of the most impactful pieces of criminal justice reform legislation enacted in recent years was the Prison Rape Elimination Act, and it wouldn’t have passed but for Senator Sessions.”

During the debate over PREA, Sessions’ floor speech crystallized the issue for his colleagues: “It is the duty of government officials to ensure that criminals who are convicted and sentenced to prison, serve the sentence imposed by the judge, but not additional sentence of sexual assault. Rape is not a part of any lawful sentence.” As a result, the legislation passed unanimously.

“We look forward to working with Attorney-General Sessions and his team to make meaningful changes to the criminal justice system – changes that will improve public safety, reduce recidivism, and maintain human dignity for all Americans,” said Pat Nolan.

About ACUF

The American Conservative Union Foundation (“ACUF”) is one of the nation’s oldest organizations representing grassroots conservatives throughout the United States. Founded more than four decades ago by William F. Buckley, ACUF works to advance our core values of liberty, personal accountability, and fiscal responsibility – all of which are impacted by criminal justice reform.

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For more information on this topic, please contact Pat Nolan or David Safavian at the American Conservative Union Foundation’s Center for Criminal Justice Reform at: (202) 347-9388.