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Florida must follow Trump’s lead on criminal justice reform

Originally Published: Tallahassee Democrat Written by: David Safavian and Patrick Plein For too long, politicians on both sides of the aisle have ignored the consequences of operating an ineffective, inhumane and expensive criminal justice system. In D.C., it took a massive

Civil forfeiture: Fighting socialism in Mississippi and throughout the Deep South

Originally Published: Orlando Sentinel Written by: David Safavian and Laurel Duggan What does present-day Venezuela have in common with Mississippi in 2014? Both empowered the government to take private property without the benefit of a court proceeding. Until late 2018, Mississippi

Letter to South Dakota Legislative Leadership on Juvenile Justice

Bipartisan Clean Slate initiative will help Utah and former offenders

by Rick Larsen and David Safavian

Oklahomans Ill Served by Excessive Occupational Licensing Requirements

Originally Published: The Oklahoman Written by: Tim Head, David Safavian, and Jason Pye Pope St. John Paul II stated in his 1981 encyclical “Laborem Exercens” that “work is a key, probably the essential key, to the whole social question.” One

Probation Can Lead to Better Public Safety

Originally Published: The Hill Written by: Pat Nolan Across the country, state leaders have recently passed laws to create more alternatives to prison when dealing with crimes committed by people struggling with addiction, mental health challenges, or those who made