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Courts need to be impartial on Issue 1

Originally Published by: The Blade By: David Safavian Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts said a judge’s job is “to call balls and strikes and not to pitch or bat.” Unfortunately, some of Ohio’s judges are ignoring the

Arizona is filling its prisons with ‘folks we’re just mad at’

Originally published in the Arizona Capitol Times By Pat Nolan Arizona is filling its prisons with ‘folks we’re just mad at’ Arizona is at a crossroads. Should we continue to build more costly prisons and fill them with low-level offenders?

Pregnant and imprisoned: The crisis thousands of women are facing

By Kaitlin Owens and Emily Mooney Originally published in TheHill Imagine you are a white-collar offender, who has just been arrested. As you wait for your trial, in prison, you find out you’re pregnant. Plagued with the reality that there are

First Step Act will move prison reform forward

Originally published in The Tennessean By David Safavian and Dr. Russell Moore One of the clear goals of this administration has been to roll back government overreach in order to provide greater opportunities for Americans. In February, President Trump explained

Guest column: Give Louisiana justice reforms time to work

By David Safavian and Louisiana State Rep. Julie Emerson (R-Carencro) Originally published in The Advocate. Coming in first is generally something to be proud of. For instance, LSU football winning the BCS National Championship in 2007, or the New Orleans

Once you’ve done your time, you should be able to vote

Letters to the Editor, NOLA.com – The Times-Picayune By Pat Nolan, Director, ACUF CCJR Each year tens of thousands of people return to their homes after paying their debts to society, yet they will still be punished. Millions of formerly incarcerated