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Chuck Grassley: Criminal Justice Reform and Reducing Recidivism

Criminal justice reform and reducing recidivism: Remarks from Senate Committee on the Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA). Followed by a panel discussion featuring Hayne Yoon (Vera Institute of Justice), John Huffington (Living Classrooms Foundation), and Pat Nolan (American Conservative Union


Marcus Bullock: Flikshop and Life After Prison

Facebook LIVE: Marcus Bullock, CEO of Flikshop, sat down with us to talk about re-entry programming in prison, barriers to entering the job market with a criminal record, and his tech start-up working to keep families of the incarcerated in


Dan Schneider: Conservative Criminal Justice Reform

Facebook LIVE: Dan Schneider, Executive Director of the American Conservative Union sits down with us to discuss the philosophical reasons why conservatives should care about criminal justice reform.


Matt Schlapp: Conservative Criminal Justice Reform

Facebook LIVE: We sat down with ACU Chairman Matt Schlapp to discuss why conservatives should care about criminal justice reform.


CPAC 2017: Civil Asset Forfeiture

CPAC 2017: Stephen Mills, Apache, Oklahoma Chief of Police, took the stage to discuss his experiences with Civil Asset Forfeiture, both as a law enforcement agent and as a private citizen.


CPAC 2017: Prosecutorial Misconduct

CPAC 2017: What is the conservative solution to reigning in prosecutorial misconduct in the U.S. Criminal Justice System? Pat Nolan (Director, Center for Criminal Justice Reform, ACU Foundation) moderates the discussion with David A. Keene (Opinion Editor, The Washington Times);