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Who We Are: The Nolan Center for Justice was established by the American Conservative Union Foundation to provide leadership for the growing conservative consensus that our criminal justice system is badly broken, and that there are proven, conservative reforms that will keep the public safe while restraining costs.
The Center raises public awareness of conservative criminal justice reforms through opinion pieces, media interviews, briefing papers, and testifying as expert witnesses at government hearings. We also assist legislators and leaders of government agencies in applying conservative principles as they craft solutions to crime and justice issues.
The American Conservative Union Foundation (“ACUF”) is one of the nation’s oldest organizations representing grassroots conservatives throughout the United States. Founded more than four decades ago by William F. Buckley, the ACU Foundation works to advance our core values of liberty, personal responsibility, and fiscal responsibility – all of which are impacted by criminal justice reform. The mission of the American Conservative Union Foundation is to educate Americans about conservative solutions to the country’s most pressing problems. The ACU Foundation’s Nolan Center for Justice promotes policies that improve public safety, reduce government cost, and protect human dignity. Criminal Justice Reform is a high priority for the ACU Foundation and it has been highlighted at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) for several years.